Next week we begin the holidays with Thanksgiving. As a Christian who is attending a Messianic Jewish Congregation I have struggled with Christmas. However, I know after seeking the Holy Spirit Christmas for me is about celebrating as in Isaiah 9:6 Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. Because of this I think it is incumbent up us to help our children understand the holiness of this time of year. I think we need to set aside the cutesy sayings like "Jesus is the Reason for the Season" and instead give ourselves over to recognizing the sole purpose of this child's birth is for us to be redeemed by his death; without the death of the Messiah we would not celebrate his birth.
So as you begin this season with Thanksgiving start by thanking God for sending his most cherished son to be your Passover Lamb. Give the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit the praise due them for being Elohim. Give the Lord, Sovereign God King of the Universe the praise He deserves by talking to your children not only about Him, but the grace He gave them by allowing them to be born here in the United States where even our poor own shoes.
Teaching holiness only begins with thanksgiving. It continues with giving back. Teaching children about love means teaching them to be givers of themselves, their time, talents, and treasures. Sit down as a family and plan family activities centered around giving to others. It could be baking Christmas cookies for the neighbors, serving at a homeless shelter, a soup kitchen, planning an angel tree gift, or participating in
Operation Christmas Child and packing shoe boxes. I have participated here and think is this a great way to give to children around the world.
Holiness we need to remember is not the condition of ones hair or dress rather it is a condition of the heart. Teaching our children to not consider the outward appearance of a person is best taught by example. Give every person the respect due a human being through the extension of love, kindness, and respect. During this season while we celebrate the joy of the King coming to the Earth we need to also be sober minded and remember it is not about making things perfect for our kids. Rather it is about teaching them the joy of giving and service. Once you teach them these principles you ensure their joy of the season will never be about what they get, but rather how much they can give to God and other people.
Believe in Parenting