Friday, March 31, 2017

Week 12 Authenticity-Body, Soul, and Spirit

Welcome to Week 12

Man is unique in the animal kingdom. We live in a body, which is empowered by a soul. Yet, we also have an eternal component called a spirit. This eternal portion of our existence is what people talk about in those near death experiences. It is this portion of our lives which ask the questions about life after death, begin to believe in reincarnation, or seek out a higher power/

My father was a true believer in a higher power. He submitted himself to the Creator of the Universe and taught me to do the same. It was long conversations, lots of laughter, and even some tears we shared as we talked about what we believed and why. It was those talks which gave me the confidence to know there was something bigger I was a part of, and that I could chose for myself to participate or not.

The choice to believe in a higher power is individual. I will say I believe the Creator of the Universe cares for each of us and desires to be in a heart to heart contact with each of us. However, He will not force that relationship on anyone it is a choice. You have to ask for it. Spiritual development is more about learning to listen to listen to your conscious.There is in all of us a quiet voice telling us what to do, it makes us feel guilty when we do wrong things, tell us to hold our tongues. and even reminds us when we need to apologize.

It is the process of learning to listen and obey our conscious which is the beginning or spiritual development. This part of our lives we often hear referred to as the sixth sense. It is in fact our spirits which connect us to a world we can ot perceive with our natural eyes and ears. It exists on another plane of existence. We do have access to that plane on a very limited level. We can go deeper into the realm if we elect to do so.  If you are then so inclined asking th creator to begin to speak to you is the next step and listening to what He has to say. Which will lead you further into a spiritual life.

Authenticity and being true to yourself is about recognizing and accepting every part of our make up. The sixth sense is not a mystical, voodoo seeking, witchcraft part of us. It is the part of us made to seek something higher than ourselves. Seeking to serve others and be a "good person" it is the part of us which reaches to do more, make life better, and strive to always give more than we get.  Learning to pay attention to this part of our lives helps us to connect more deeply with ourselves, our children and every other human being on the planet. I challenge you to explore this and see if your life becomes richer! Here are your exercises.


  1. Sit quietly and ponder ans issue which has been troubling you. Just give yourself the time to sit with it and see if an answer to the problem comes to you. Then do it.
  2. Talk about this with a friend or your significant other. What do you believe about the sixth sense?


Spend this week writing in your journal what you believe about your spiritual self. Is what you belief, think, say and do, aligned in this area? How can you get them to line up? What so you want your children to believe. Aare you a living example of this for them?

I hope as you consider last week and your relationship with your father. Along with this week of thinking about believing in something bigger than yourself. You begin to experience the wonder of a bigger and brighter world! Then pass it on.

Believe in Parenting

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Week 5: Physical Development It is all about Hormones

Welcome to Week 5

Physical development of teens starts in the pituitary gland which releases hormones which tell the body to start maturing. These hormones produce crazy people! I was one long ago. I remember at age 12 or 14 I looked my Mom right in the eye and said something woefully sassy and disrespectful. My Mother threw her full glass of cold water into my back and grounded me for the weekend. She took away my phone and everything! LOL little punk that I was I fully deserved it. But, what made me do such a stupid thing! You guessed it I was hormonal.

Hormones do not excuse bad behavior. It does however explain a few things. Boys are just as hormonal as girls it just is not as traumatic as a period or migraines which can start at this age. Still, boys can grow as much as a 1/2 inch overnight, gain several pounds in a month, and talk with a squeaky voice one minute and a baritone the next. It is an uncomfortable and uncertain time they are often not sure which way is up.

Girls begin to grow breasts, start menstruation, and begin to have their hips round out. The hormones here can be hard to deal with because the changes happen both fast and slow. The hormones make it hard to think clearly and make sound decision. This is why teens need a lot of supervision. In short hormones make them reckless and foolish. This is just a fact of life. Depending on how sound and practical a teen personality is it can make a difference in not just what they are foolish and reckless about. One child may be reckless and foolish in trying out for a sport they are woefully bad at; while another may try drinking ro crack. This is why parenting at this age needs to be about picking your battles. If it is not going to cause hurt, harm, or danger to your child or anyone else. Let them try. It is okay for them to do new things. If it is something very questionable then you put your foot down and help them fins another way to meet the need.

There are three things which can help the physical development run more smoothly. They are diet, water, and sleep.

Diet-teems are notorious for eating lots of junk food. However, I believe it is because junk food is quick and easy. Making nutritious food quick and easy can combat this bad habit. During this time the body is rapidly changing and in need of lots of calories. Having lots of good food prepped and ready to eat where teen can grab it will help keep them full with food which will also fill them with vitamins, nutrients, and other things which feed the body and not just curb hunger.

Hydration is also an important part of the bodies growth and development. Teen drink a lot and while things like Gatorade help keep the body fluids up and give good nutrition. Water is the best for hydration. Coconut water is even better. Some say it is a natural hydration and helps the body absorb more fluid from other liquids consumed. Teens should be drinking half their body weight in ounces of water a day plus other liquids.

Sleep teens need 10-12 hours of sleep a night. Surprised? Yes, their bodies are changing that much. Did you know the body only makes the changes it needs to make as we sleep? The body is doing too many other things when we are awake to be able to repair cells, produce new cells, expand or contract muscle mass, repair or build neurons, make blood, and I could go on and on. Teen bodies are going through so many changes it is hard for a teen to go through the physical changes if they are deprived of sleep. Did you also know your sleep patterns affect your teens behavior. Teens want to be adult if they see young stay up late subconsciously they think in order to be more adult like they should stay up too.
In fact I would go so far as to say your patterns of eating, drinking water and sleep will greatly effect what and how your teen does the same.

Physical development is a large part of most of the teen issues. hormones and body changes can greatly effect how your teen feels and reacts. Keep it in mind do not let them get away with bad behavior. At the same time cut them some slack sometimes they need it.


  1. Read the article on sleep patterns linked in the article.
  2. Take time this week to examine the example you are setting in eating, water intake and sleeping. Adjust where necessary.
  3. Share the knowledge about eating, sleep, and water with your teen and make it into a challenge to see who can do better over the next month.

Think about the physical changes your teen is going through. Try to remember for yourself what that was like and write about it. If a story comes up tell it to your teen. Write agout somje studid things you did as a teen and examine them in you adult mind. Consider your thinking then and allow it to guide you in talking with your teen about their issues.

Teen physical development can be hard. Support your teen through it. Remember they are at a point where they are a slave to their hormones. You are not. Do not take it personally, it is a stage your ten is not trying to gait you they are trying to deal with a body they do not recognize as it is doing strange things without their permission. They are scared deep down. Remember that and let them know you are on their side.

Believe in Parenting

Friday, March 24, 2017

Week Eleven Authenticity: The Life with our Father's

Welcome to Week 11

This week we are moving into looking at our spiritual development. Our ability to belief in something greater than ourselves. In the beginning of our lives it it our fathers who are our examples of who and what a higher power can be in our lives. It is our relationship with him, which gives us the belief that either we have a loving and caring higher power, or a higher power which is missing, uncaring or even mean and demeaning. Believe it or not the absence of our fathers in the Western World is a direct correlation of our ever growing distance with a life based on faith.

The ability to believe in something bigger, stronger, more loving, and kinder is based on whether our father played this kind of ole in our lives. Therefore, the role he played or did not play in our lives has a large powerful role in our authenticity. This week is a exercise in examination of the role your father played in your life as a child. 

My Dad was in the Army. So, family for me was primarily Mom and Dad. Though we did spend some time with family while he was in Vietnam. My Dad was always there. One of the saddest think I ever heard my Dad say is "My father divorced my mother and me when I was 12." He was determined not just to be there for us, but to be involved in our lives. I do not ever remember a time I could not depend on him.It is these memories which helped me to form my belief in something bigger more dependable and more faithful than I. Our relationships with our fathers often determine how we enter the world and what kind of thinking we have about doing so.

I only want for you to answer the following questions in your journal and spend the week thinking about your life with your father growing up. What was it like? How did it shape you then? How does remembering effect you now?

If your father for some reason was not in your life there are questions at the end for you to use. Okay, here are your questions.

What was it like growing up in your house?

What did  your father treat with your Mom? You? Your siblings?

Was your father the disciplinarian?

What was the best thing about growig up in your house? The worst?

Did your father support you emotionally? Could you go to him with questions and concerns?

If you could say one thing to your father about the way he was in your childhood?

Do you know if your father is proud of you? Are you proud of him?

An Absent Father

Why was your father absent? Did he die? Did he leave? Did your Mom push him away?

Did you have a father figure in your life? Was this person someone you could substitute and use your relationship with him to answer the above questions?

As a child how did you feel when you saw others with their father's?

What did you dream your father was like?

What did you miss most about having a father?

How do you think him not being there affected you then? Now?

If you could sit down with your father now what would you say: Ask?

This week will be extremely easy or extremely difficult. Very rarely is it somewhere in the middle. This is okay because though society would like to say Father's are the "extra" parent nothing could be further from the truth. We all want to know, be known by, and love our Fathers. Some of us get that chance and others of us do not. But, ultimately it is our fathers who prepare us to be able to face the world with the ability to see it as a place we can step into with a sense of wonder and an ability to meet any challenges head on!

Believe in Parenting

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Week Four: Personality and Love Languages

Welcome to Week 4

It is impossible for me to say just how important personality and speaking a person's love language are to the building of relationships. As you consider the real shift in your relationship with your teen from director to mentor understanding their personality and their love language are tools you can use to maintain your loving relationship and keep the roads of communication open and flowing free.


Many times we fail to take into account our own personality and how it effects the interaction we have with our children. If your child has the personality of Aunt Edna who you simply cannot stand. Then you could without meaning to distance yourself from your child because they are so much like her. This is where it becomes necessary to understand yourself and your teen better.

My sister is five years younger than I. While I am a very emotionally driven person she is far more practical. Which means how we approach the world is very different. Our parents needed to handle us differently. I was a strong-willed, hard-headed, emotional drama queen who was also the last in passive aggressive tendencies. My sister on the other hand was the even keeled, go with the flow, obedient child, who tended to excel in everything.  Though without a doubt our parents loved us equally they would have been very foolish to treat us the same. While my sister only got spanked maybe once. I was he poster girl for the child who needed to be spanked weekly!

I say all of this to show personality is extremely important when you consider interacting with your teen. Use what you know of their personality to guide them. One way to make this more of a two way street is for both of you to take a personality test and discuss what you find and how you thihk it will affect your relationship. This personality test has 16 different types of personalities. It will be a great conversation starter for you to use.

Love Languages

Dr. Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell co-authored a book called Love Languages for Teenagers the Secret to Loving Children Effectively this book will give you insights on not only the love languages with is important. It also ties in how to use them effectively with your teens. The love languages tell us that each person receives and recognizes love differently. There are five ;amguages they are: Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation, Giving of Gifts, Time Spent Together, and Physical Touch.What makes this important is people feel and recognize their own form of love, and fail to recogize and receive others.

This implies if you feel love by the giving of gifts that is wonderful. But, if you constantly give your teen gifts, and their love language is touch. You are constantly showing them your love, however they are not recognizing or receiving it as love. This is all about perspective. You may be doing all that you can to show your teen you love them, Yet, still not be speaking in a way where they can understand and  feel loved. There is also a test you can take on the love languages to help you get started on beginning to fulfill this need for your teen.


  1. Discuss with your child about taking the two online inventories above. Let them know you want to take the tests together. Explain you are hoping they will help you understand one another better. Then take the personality and the love lamguage test and discuss the results of them both.
  2. Pick up or order a copy of the Love Language for Teenagers book and start reading.


Write about your conversation with your teen about the tests you took together. Write down the feelings you felt yourself and what you picked up from your teen. Do you actually understand one another better? If yes then write about how you can expand upon this connection. If not you may need some more direct help. If that is the case you can book a private talk with me. Use contact information listed on this site to reach me. I am betting 98% will not need to take the step of contacting me. Because, just letting your teen know that you want to connect with them better will go along way to making things better between you. 

The last thing I want you to journal about is your love language and your teens love language. Plan some ways to shower love on your teen by using their love language. Plan to do something several times a week. It will make you closer because at some point they will recognize you are doing what you are doing to show them your love.

Believe in Parenting

Friday, March 17, 2017

Week Ten: People we Admire shape our Lives

Welcome to Week 10

This book helped change my perspective on life. These six people are ones I and many others admire. I love how Mr. Aikman took all six of their lives and told the story of the world in the 20th century. It is interesting to note they all had some very difficult times in life and over came it through grace, grit, and determination.  There is an old saying those who forget the past are destined to repeat it. The lives of these six people serve as a reminder that life has blessed and tragic times. 

This week I want you to reflect on the people you admire. Those both who are gone from the world and those who are still living. I want you to think about what you know about their lives. What about them leaves a lasting impression in your mind. Why do you admire them? What if any effect does admiring them have or has had on your life. As you go throughout the week talk to others about these folks and ask them their opinions. Give yourself time to reflect on what is said and how it has either changed or supported your views on these people. Once you have done this you are ready to journal about the final question. Here it is.

Pick three people two dead and one living who you would like to sit down with at a private dinner. List four questions you would ask them and then write down why.

The answer to this question will give you insight on how you see the world. How admiring others has shaped you life and how. Share the thoughts and feelings you feel during the week with your significant other and your children.

Believe In Parenting

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Week 3 How to Talk to your Teens about Risky Behavior

Welcome to Week 3

Next week we will start to talk about teen development. However, this is an important aspect of talking with your teen about the dangers of experimentation in the teen years. You need to go in recognizing your the average teen believes nothing bad will happen to them or their friends. It is often shocking and scary when something does happen. Therefore, when you go to talk to them they will kind of blow you off. Talk about it anyway and the more concrete you are about the consequences of bad behavior the better.

The danger to teens is now more prevalent than any time before. In times past sec could lead to pregnancy. Now sex can lead to AIDS or HPV. Bullying used to end at the school day. Now, childen are cyperbullyied 24-hours a day.It used to be kids might try pot, but now they can become addicted to crack with one hit. Drinking underage is a serious problem in the US, and more kids die of drunk driving than ever before. This is just a small sampling of teen dangers. But there is an antidote. It is called good choices.

Here are three things you can do to encourage your teen to make good choices and avoid Most teen dangers.

  1. Give them the facts without judgement or recrimination. As adults we often tell teen about the dangers they will face, in such a way to encourage them to try it. It is hard to keep your emotions out of the way when talking to your kids about drugs, sex, or drinking. The thing you want to do is not to offer an opinion until later. While talking to t hem about it keep it clear and factual. During your take they are likely to ask you about your feelings. If they do be honest. If you experimented with drugs as a teen tell them. Help them to see what it cost you in making that decision. 
  2. They will ask you questions be honest. If they ask you an embarrassing one. Be authentic let hem see it is embarrassing for you. Being vulnerable with them will let them know you trust them enough to be transparent.
  3. Ask them if they think either they or a friend might need help with overcoming an issue. This will allow them to open up about a friend with an issue. We all know that sometimes the friend is your child. However, they may actually have a friend with the problem. Ask them if they think their friend may need some support. Help them develop a plan. Ask if they want help in doing intervention. Encourage them to talk to their friend about seeking  help. Before talking about any one issue have a resource or two which have local services to give them to read. 
What you do as you approach the variety of issues you or your child may face. Remember  your goal is to influence your teen into making good decisions by giving the information they need to make them.

Here is your exercise for this week.

  1. Brainstorm three areas you want to talk to your child about. Then journal about your own feeling regarding each.
  2. Do some research and find a resource for each area and visti them to get reading material for your teen. Read it and journal about how the information makes you feel and what you think about it.
  3. Pick one and talk to your teen about it his week. then journal about how it went and what you might want to consider doing or saying the next time. Then prepare for the next time.

Your exercise includes your journaling this week. However, if you find this cause you more anxiety journal about it.

Believe in Parnting

Friday, March 10, 2017

Week Nine Leaving: A Legacy of Authenticity

Welcome to Week Nine

What is a legacy? A legacy is more than the things you leave behind in a physical or monetary sense it ia also the kind of life you leave behind for others to follow. I have lost both of my parents. I often tell myself I am John and Augusta's daughter. This means to me that I am a very capapble person who can do anything I set my mind to.

My Dad John Webster Harvey served 30 years in working for the government. 20 years in the Army and 10 years in the Postal Service. He earned a double degree in Electronics and business. He was a great Bible teacher and taught me to love the Lord and the Jewish people.

My mother Augusta Thompson Harvey worked in the Air Force programming computers in the 1950's, the computer was across the street in a five story building. She left the Air Force to marry my Dad she was and Army wife for 14 years before she earned her degree in Library Science, she then became a Medical Librarian in a public hospital until she retired. She loved the Lord and often counseled young women who needed mothering.

My parents did leave some things which I greatly cherish. My Dad's marble chess set, and my Mom's drum tables purchased in Japan the year I was born. But, more than things they left me a legacy of serving people, being hospitable and loving God. They were both more than satisfied with who they were but never settled and pushed toward being better people all the time. I owe my desire to being more authentic to them in many ways.

In essence this series of blogs is my way of sharing their legacy to me with you. What kind of legacy do you want to leave your children. How will having been their parents leave them with a fuller richer life?

Here are you questions for this week:

  1. What is living a spiritual life to you?
  2. In three sentences write your own eulogy. What would you like people to say about you after you are gone?
Journal Assignment

During this next week think about you life and what things you would like your children to learn from watching you in your life. Remember children get 85% of what they learn through observation. Look at these two questions and see if you children will get the legacy of a better life from watching you.

Believe in Parenting

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Week 2 Creating a Safe Place to Talk

Week 2 Face to Face

Over the years as I have worked with teens and parents one mistake I have seen parents make often is in thinking their teen needs less supervision and more trust. The teen years are a time of discovery children are exploring the world of adulthood. While trust is very important and we all want to trust we have good kids. Supervision is also an important aspect of this age.

This is a time for you to pay close attention to the social and emotional aspects of your teen's life. Ask questions, pay attention to their interactions when they are with their friends. Too often we think everything is fine. I suggest taking time to force your tween teen to cook dinner with you once a week. I have found while chopping veggies, measuring ingredients, kids will start talking. Take the time to listen to what they are saying; do not react just listen and hear what they are saying. As parents we want to rush in and fix things. However, this is the time to let kids figure it out for themselves when possible. If they ask for your advice of course give it to them, but reiterate the choice they make is theirs.

As parents of children who will shortly be making all of their own decisions in life we have to offer support, encouragement and a listening ear. Though we would love to continue to make all the decisions for them we ill handicap them in the long run by doing so.

We ofttimes over emphasize when a teen makes a mistake. Stop for a second and think about the last time someone magnified your mistake to you or others? What was your reaction and how did that over magnification make you feel? Do you really want to make your child to feel that way?

People make mistakes it is a part of life. The key as a parent is not tom make those mistakes bigger than they have to be. Making a mountain out of a molehill will only teach your teen you are not a safe place in times of trouble . which is the last thing you want. Help your teen go step by step in the process to examine where the mistake occurred help them to see where they went wrong. Then help them and support them as they correct the mistake. Making amends as needed and paying any reparations necessary.


This exercise is something I would like you to practice during the whole challenge. It is both simple and complicated. Here it is:

When your child comes to you to talk about something. Either stop right then turn to them, look them in the eye and give them your full attention and focus on what they are saying to you. Or if you are in the middle of something give them a time to come back when they can have your full attention. Be sure if you do the second option you give them a specific time. For instance, "I want to hear what you have to say, but I have to finish this right now and I need 30 minutes to finish this. Come back so I can give you my complete undivided attention. Then when they do come back even if you are not finished take the time to give them just that.

Then later write in your journal about the experience. I will tell you now the goal of this exercise is to get you into the habit of tuning into your child on a purposeful and conscious level. The number one complate of teens is that their parents do not listen. This exercise will ensure you do listen to them when they come to you, every time.


Write about a time when you went to your parent as a teen and you felt as if they did not listen. How did you feel? What did you wish would happen?

Write about a time when your parents did listen to you. How did that make you feel?

When your write about your exercise take time to examine how you feel about taking this time to talk and listen to  your children.

I promise this will be challenging if you have not practiced this. It will also be challenging if you have. Be prepared this is not as simple as it sounds.But, the benefits you will gain from it are immeasurable.

Believe in Parenting

Friday, March 3, 2017

Welcome to Week Nine

Living an authentic life is often about being an open book. Opening your life up to those closest to you and living in such a way which inspires others to follow in your footsteps. This requires us to develop close and heart to heart relationships with those who mean the most to us in life. Namely our spouse and children.

Developing close relationships takes three things:

  • Vulnerability
  • Honesty
  • Time

This means we share what means the most to us our thought, feelings, and dreams. We lay them out for someone to see, examine, and maybe even criticize. While we hop we choose wisely and those we share with will guard our thoughts and feelings with great care, it is not guaranteed and that is what makes this both scary and brave. However, if we are going to live authentic lives vulnerability is required. Being true to ourselves means letting others not only see who we are but, also refusing to hide.


Being truthful with ourselves and with others is probably the biggest part of living an authentic life. Learning to be honest and kind is another thought.

Honesty does not have to be brutal. Challenging ourselves to be honest yet spare the other persons feelings as much as possible takes lots of practice and caring. We often here that little white lies in order to spare someones feeling is okay. However, this is not authenticity. Lying in any form puts up barriers which can hinder the bonding of any relationship. However, it is one thing to say; I have no idea why you picked that dress it makes you look like a cow. And saying I like the color of the dress, but it makes your hips look wider than they actually are. These two statements in essence say the same thing. However, the first statement is hurtful and could feel judgmental while the second is factual and less astringent. Relationships are built on honesty. Authenticity is too. The more your practice being hones the more authentic your life will become.


Relationships are built on getting to know one another. Authenticity is based on getting to know yourself. The only way to really get to the heart of who you are and live accordingly is through taking the time to examine yourself. The same is true of learning about others. It takes time to get to know someone else. Undivided quality time is something every relationship needs. This time is best spent doing fun and interactive activities, talking, time in person, on the phone, skypeing, or even texting are all ways to keep the lines of communication flowing.

Authenticity requires all of the above in our relationship with ourselves and others. Vulnerability, Honesty, and Time are all things we need to give to us and others in order to have a quality of life which allows us to be true to ourselves. Now Here are your next two questions:

  1. Who are the most important people in your life and why?
  2. In three sentences write down what you would like people to say in your eulogy. Are you living a life now which would cause people to say these thing? What needs to change if not?
During this week I encourage you to think about 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

What Jewish people practice with their Teens; Christians do not

I have attended a Messianic Jewish Synagogue since March of 2010. Over the course of these years I have attended several Bar/Bat Mitzvahs'. In fact my Rabbi's daughter 
will do hers in March.

A Bar Mitzvah is the Jewish ceremony where a boy aged 13 after several years of study in Hebrew, Jewish law and the scriptures conducts their first service in the synagogue.

A Bat Mitzvah is the Jewish ceremony where a girl at leas 12 years and one day after doing study in Hebrew, Jewish Law and the scripture conducts their first service in the synagogue.

Children in synagogues all over the world are trained to not only know the scriptures but to be able to read them and give their own personal insights on what they mean. This ceremony is where these children become responsible for their own spiritual development. One thing I noticed about how important this may be. Is in the Scriptures after Jesus bar mitzvah we never again  hear about Joseph. Is this because once he became responsible for His own spiritual development? He no longer needed Joseph's spiritual covering, because he was now directly responsible to the Father for his own development? 

In the historical context this age is also the time when boys and girls began to prepare for their entry into the adult world through learning a trade or entering religious training for boys. Girls learned the skills of running a household.

Why is this important?

God has chosen the Jewish people as His object lesson on the Earth. He has given us instruction through them from the time of Abraham. There is a prevailing thought in today's world to consider pushing adulthood and maturity back further and further. Instead, we in the western world need to begin to expect more from our teens and not less. From the age of 10 we should be training our children to begin to take responsibility for their own spiritual and also begin learning about practical aspects of adulthood.

Once a child in our world reaches the age of 18 they are legally able to sign on the dotted line to purchase a house, to have a credit card, have a car, etc. But, in our culture less and less are they prepared to be able to do so on a practical level. Training children to do laundry, cook, sew on a button etc are all things they should be able to do by age 13, because the teen years should be spent learning about budgeting, credit, saving, thinking about career, and roles in life etc. In addition to all the wonderful things of being a teen like playing sports, school, relationships etc. Kids need to learn to all the things they will need in order to navigate the world as an adult. Here is my definition of being an adult.

Adult is defined as a person over the age of 18 who is capable and responsible. This person has the ability to participate fully in the world by: engaging in self-care, spiritual, family, work, and financial aspects of life with respect, attention, and well-thought through actions.

  Being an adult does not come easy a large part of it is making good decisions. Giving teens the chance to make decisions while they are home and you can guide them before, during, and after s success or  a failure.will give them the confidence to make decisions when you are not with them. This is what the Jewish people give to their children which the western world does not give to theirs. I encourage you to begin to think along these lines as you enter into the world of parenting teens.

Believe in Parenting

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Challenge of Parenting Teens Week One

Welcome to the Challenge!

Challenge Purpose

This challenge is designed to help parents to understand the development, thought processes, and needs of teens. Thus, giving parents the tools they need to empower teens to become strong, capable, and exceptional adults.

We are going to start this challenge by taking a walk down memory lane. This week I want you to think about your own teen years. What did you get from your parents that really helped you? What did you need from then and never really got? Was it easy or hard to go to your parents for love and support? What kinds of fun activities did you do together which made your relationship stronger?

We are starting here because most of us have forgotten what it was like to be this age. However, it was our experiences and remembered feelings, thoughts, successes and mistakes which will help us to better relate to where our children are in this stage; and maybe help us to both cut them some slack and expect more of them.

Here is your exercise. Post in the Challenge Group the answer to these following questions.

  1. What was the best part of being a teen?
  2. What was the worst part of being a teen?
  3. If you could go back and give your teen self advice.What advice would you give?
  4. Who was your best friend as a teen? Is that person still in your life? How did that relationship affect your growth into and adult?
  5.  What did you think it meant to be an adult then versus what you found it to actually be?

In order for this challenge to really be effective for you journaling is very important. The goal of this is for you to think about your parenting and to grow not only as a parent but as a person. I am asking you to consider this passage and write about it at least three days over the next week.

Journal Writing Passage

Over the years the world has changed. Though there are some things which are still the same life has changed dramatically over the years. Using the answers to the above five questions take some time to think about today's world and consider how your teen years will be very different than your own child adolescence will be. Write down your feelings about your own teen years and the dreams you have for your child's teen years. 

Making the shift from raising your children to influencing your teen starts with recognizing just how wonderful and strong your kids are. Like it or not it is time to reflect back on the fact that you were not a baby anymore and neither are they. It is hard to see this child grow and become so independent of you. But, that is life! The true goal of every parent is to work themselves out of a job. The job of helping this person become who they were meant to be and then go out and conquer the world. This is the last stretch of that job. I am hoping this challenge will help you to prepare to finish strong!

Believe in Parenting