Tuesday, November 12, 2019
From generation to generation
For many years it has been my understanding that the Lord loves-- absolutely delight in Generations. and psalm 33:11 he says this:
The counsel of the Lord stands forever, The plans of His heart from generation to generation.
I would go so honored and privileged this past Shabbat on November 9th to see that play doubt before me it was the bat mitzvah of a young lady in our synagogue. During the course of the service she heard her younger sister and her older sisters, their mother and grandmother all sang a song about how God blesses the generations. The Rassmuessens's brought tears streaming down my face to see how G-d's people are able to know God and then to pass that love from mother to daughter, from mother to daughters; it just blessed me. The reason God dent me to the planet is to help adults to do just what I witnessed on Saturday. It blessed me.
Since September I have been teaching about work-life balance in combination with authenticity and just how important it is to be true to what you believe. Parents are the example for our children As adults children live out 85S% of what they observe and do int their homes. Thus, I encourage parents to be the living example what it means to be people of faith. It was obvious to me that thaos was a principle of the Rasmussen family. They were together singing praise to the Lprd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob for their generations.
It reminded me of how blessed I am. My grandfather took me to church when I was 10-12 years old just as he took my mother. My father's father was a minister. The generation of my grandparents passed their love of Gpd tp me and my sister. Sometimes I'm overwhelmed by thinking about from Adam and Eve Until the End of Time the generations that we will see. I often wonder if people in heaven will be wearing the clothes that were prevalent in their generation. I have concluded probably not, but it's still fun to think about. This brings me to the question and the purpose of my writing this blog.
You have a choice and your choice starts now. Because you do no have years to wait.
What kind of legacy do you want to pass on? Wha5t are you actively doining to pass it on today?
The choice is yours you can be like the Rassmuessen"s you can pass your belief and your love of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob on to your children and their children and their children. It starts by deciding you're going to do so. You are going to read your Bible, you want to talk to your children about reading the Bible, you going to talk about God and what he expects of us, you are going to be the example for themm then will see you be the example for them teaching them to be the example for their children and --so on--so on.
I believe that legacy has less to do with money and more than this. Becaise this the legacy that God expects us to leave. King Solomon said A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children. Choose to leave an inheritance to your children and their children a legacy of faith. It is after a;; the most valuable inheritance you can leave them.
Believe in parenting
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