Monday, April 22, 2019

Brining Using Multiple Intelligence in Children’s Ministry Classrooms

Parents, Teachers and Advocates has seen and need over the last few years a need for churches to begin using educational strategies to help children grow and develop in children's ministry. We know that there are churches of less than a thousand members who cannot afford to bring in a speaker to train their children Ministry volunteers. So, we are partnering with Rabbi Kevin Solomon and Congregation Beth Hallel to bring this class to any smaller Church in the Atlanta area who would like to have their volunteers trained. The class entails the following:

Using Learning Styles in the Children’s Ministry Classroom
  • Learning Style Defined- Ice breaker students will begin the class by learning the basics of what learning styles are.
(15/20 minutes)

  • Definition of Multiple Intelligence In a mini-lecture students will learn about the eight forms of intelligences defined by Dr. Howard Gardner. (15/25 min)

  • Using Multiple Intelligence using a hand-on exercise studwents will discuss the eight forms of intelligence and how they have seen them used in their lives. (35/50 min)

  • Basics of Classroom Use students will discuss and develop ways for them to use learning styles in practical and ongoing manner. (35/50 min)

  • Using Curriculum to Plan Basic Use Each ministry uses a different curriculum. Looking at the format specific to the ministry. Students will use a lesson plan to create a multiple learning environment. (20/30 min)

  • Practice Classroom Environment and Use of Learning Styles Using the created plan students will then set up, create open ended questions and present to other classmate their plan for a multiple learning style classroom. (Only 4 hr. 1.5 hrs)