Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Why Parents who pay attention to school, have kids who excell!

Last night as I was talking to a group of parents about getting ready to go back to school, I emphasised  finding out the teachers preferred method of communication, preferred time of day, and getting in touch monthly. Why would I make this suggestion? Human nature is my answer.  Let me explain.

In education it is a known fact the ideal class size is 1 teacher to 18 children; this has not been the case in a very long time. The average class size is now 24 in elementary schools. While this is doable and teachers are trying to do well and the best they can by their students. When a teacher knows you are going to be contacting her to discuss how you can support her and your child. It is human nature to just pay more attention. It is similar to knowing you are going to be evaluated. You tune in differently to the information and you ensure you are getting it. Teachers tend to pay more attention and have a much more clear thought of where your child is in the learning process. Because they know you are going to be asking the questions.

What questions should you ask?

  1. How well is my child doing in academics? Is there and area I need to emphasie? Would tutoring help?
  2. Does my child have friends? Who do they interact with most?
  3. Are there any behavioral issues? Do they seem lost or bored?
  4. What is the best way for me to support you in the next month?
  5. Is there any school programs or activities I should try to attend in the next month?
  6. Are there any concerns you have whe have not discussed
 These questions will usually lead to a quick conversation of less than 15 minutes, but it will help you to stay clear on the progress of your child in school. I encourage you to become the teachers partner in your child's education. It is imperative for you to get engaged and stay focused on this part of your child's life. If you want your child to take school seriously, it will havven not because you ask questions like how was school? But, because they know you pick up the phone on a regular basis and talk to the other adult who is your partner in getting them there. It is not in what you say but, in what you do. This is the minimum in parents engaging in education I will share more as the dates for back to school get closer. 

Believe in Parentng

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