Sunday, July 28, 2019

Going Back to School--Allergies

Here in Georgia Thursday is the first day of school for many children.Going back to school is often nerve wracking for kids and makes young kids heyper and a littler distracted. This is why it is important for parents to give the adults at the school good information about your child's allergies. KIds who have allergies, asthma, and especially food allergies need the adult responsible for their care to have all the infomation needed to care for them properly. As always I suggest you visit the school a day or two before school starts especially if your child is starting Kindergarten. This will give them a familiarity with the school. This is the time to take your child's food and other allergic information to the school nurse, cafetreria ladies, the office and your child's teaceher. Include a photo of your child with the information. So, here are the thingts Dr. Erin Gardner of Atlanta Allergy recommended on the Atlanta Checkup Radio Program Sunday July 28, 2019. If you do not have an allergy doctor for your child check out Atlanta Allergy and Asthma.

  1. Schedule an paoointment with your allergist and talk about retesting and creating a school plan to share with school personnel.
  2. Get refills and updates on medication. Take meds to school and find out school policy on whre the medicine is kept and who admisters the meds if the nurse is not in the shool daily. Ifr your school has a health clinic check in with them and discuss your child;s allergy. 
  3. If your child has a food allergy; create a food allergy plan with your chil;s doctor and be sure all relevant personnel have a copy. (Teacher, Nurse, Cafeteria Head, and Ofrfice.)

As an educational advocate I suugest you check in with the teacher at least monthly and ask questionms about what you are noticing your child having issues with in homework ask for suggestson you can help with at home. Review the allergy information with them and always find something positive to say to the teacher about their work with your child. You are the only one who has known you child since birht you know their stregnths and weaknesses. Be prepared to help the teacher who is in this most likely because she loves children. You can make her life easier by thinking through solutions rather than looking for issues. This person is an ally in getting your child to succeed treat themlike ome.

Believe in Parenting

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