Friday, February 24, 2017

WeeK 8 Authenticity -Making Deliberate Decisions

Welcome to Week 8 on your Journey to Authenticity

Introspection is something we rarely take time to do in life. However, personal growth demands we take the time to look deeper into our own thoughts and feelings. On my journey to creating a fit and healthy body, I have discovered a fear of getting what I want to be fit! However, with my  very hourglass shape it means I will get much more male attention, it has happened before. Also, I have experienced some loss of female friends when their significant others look at me with impure thoughts evident on their faces. The truth is I am scared to go through that again. However, I have decided to face the fear and press on. As you continue on this journey you will have to face your inner most fears and decide how you want to handle them. Authenticity is a journey. There will be times when you need to take a step back and work on dealing with emotions that are overwhelming.

Sometimes people chose to let the fear become more powerful than the change which in itself is a decision. The authentic thing to do in this case is to take ownership of it. If you decide to not change, at this time but rather to acknowledge the fear and decide it is better to live with it a while longer, that is a valid choice. But only if you make it as a conscious decision. I fully encourage you to face your fears and overcome them! But, authenticity is quite honestly about looking at your life and making the choices you can live with each day. Some changes are much more demanding than others. If you decide to tackle other things first then own the decision.

Being true to yourself does not always mean you have to take on everything all at once. It means you take full responsibility for all your decisions and live life based on your choices. These are some things I want you to consider as you are delving deeper into these questions.

So, here are your next two:

  1. if you could do anything in your personal life (something just for you) what would it be? Are you doing it? Why/Why not?
  2. What is your biggest dream? For yourself?  For your relationship?For your children?
During this week I encourage you to dream. Use your journal to write about all the things which could be. But, also  make some deliberate decisions about what you are going to choose to develop or live with. I want to see you chose the dreams. But, remember the choice is yours and yours alone. Be true to who you are and live your life accordingly! And as always

Believe in Parenting

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