Friday, February 10, 2017

Week Six: Authenticity Understanding what Keeps your Brain Engaged!

Welcome to Week 6

 Did you know there is a form of study which speaks to what helps individuals keep their brains engaged and functioning at higher capacity. It is called multiple intelligence. 

Multiple Intelligence Building Yourself 

Multiple Intelligence: What are they?

Dr. Howard Gardner is the American Psychologist from Harvard University who discovered and named the Multiple Intelligence theory in the early 1980’s. Dr. Gardner believes intelligence is that which humans use to solve problems or to create solutions for many cultures. He refers to intelligence as not learning styles, but the human capacity to learning because the brain engages on a variety of levels. It is this brain engagement which shows intelligence. I call this engagement our intellectual bent. When we as humans do things which fires our brain based on our intellectual bent our brains are then engaged and ready to take on any activity from an alert and focused capacity.
There are nine intellectual bents which Dr. Howard speaks of they are:

  1.  Linguistic – word in reading, writing, speech, or listening
  2.  Logical-Mathematical – problem solving in puzzles, scientific studies, math, or figuring out how thinhgs work
  3. Spatial – visual acquity, pictures, photographs, ability to see it in your mind before creating it
  4. Bodily-Kinesthetic – Sensory learning. A person must be actively involved through hands-on, also athletically engaged and physical touch
  5.  Interpersonal – engaged with others in learning, group projects, group discussions, interactions with people
  6.  Intrapersonal – self-reflection, time to sit and absorb, ability to withdraw and contemplate, journaling
  7.  Music – the use of rhythm, patterns, and sound, soft music playing in the background, singing, humming, whistling
  8. Nature – being able to look out the window, natural sounds playing, ocean, or water running sounds, ability to work outdoors
  9. Existentialist – wants to look at the big picture, ability to see the whole of the project or issue, tends to ask the big questions and seeks the answer
 Understanding Your Intelligence

Each of us has a primary, secondary, and tertiary form of intelligence. Dr. Howard says each of us have all nine. However, we all have some which are stronger. This is important because the more we engage in activities and practices which spark our brains the better we think and are prepared to learn new information.

The following Multiple Intelligence Inventory is designed to help you tap into your top three intellectual bents and begin to use them to help you empower your brain to engage.

Multiple Intelligence Inventory
Inventory Questions

Answer the questions using the following scale. Write your answers on the behind the question.

1-No, that is definitely not me
2-That is not really me at all
3-That is me, but only every now and again
4-That is me much of the time
5-That is me to a ‘T’

1.     I love to see how things work.  _____
2.     If I could do anything I would be outside doing something. _____
3.     I like to read, I often read one book after another. _____
4.     I love to talk with people; I have the best time in a crowd. _____
5.     I would rather be alone. 
6.     I love to take pictures and play with them on the computer.
7.     I love to do sports and physical stuff. _____
8.     I love to listen to music.  I would rather do that then anything.
9.     I wonder why people are on the Earth. _____
10. The thing I do more than anything is to do puzzles.
11. Words are the best I love to play with them. _____
12. Rhymes and patterns are the best. _____
13. Doing things with my hands and making things is fun.
14. Thinking things through really helps me. _____
15. Doing projects with others really helps me. _____
16. Listening to the ocean really calms me. _____
17. Is There a God? _____
18. Listening or reading really keeps me focused. _____
19. Working outdoors helps me to get the concept better. _____
20. Getting a picture of things in my head helps me understand it. _____
21. If I can touch it I can figure out what I need to get it done. _____
22. When things have a logical conclusion I can focus on it. _____
23. If I can get alone and think about things I understand it. _____
24. When I can relate it to an outdoor concept I relate to it. _____
25. I wonder did the Big Bang happen? _____
26. Listening to music helps me understand better what I am doing. _____
27. Talking about things helps me get the concept better. _____
28. When I am in a group and talking I understand what is asked of
              me. _____
29.  When I get alone I can understand better what is asked of me. _____

30. When I get to do something physical I can better understand.
     what I need to do. _____
31.  Drawing a picture helps me to figure out what I need to do. _____
32. Putting ideas to patterns and rhythms helps me understand
understand directions. _____
33. When I can look out the window it helps me to focus better
     on what is happening around me. _____
34.  When I can explain to someone else what to do I can focus
      better on directions. _____
35. I often wonder what we can gain from other cultures. _____
In order to determine your primary, secondary and tertiary forms of intelligence., write the answer you wrote on question line in the inventory on the corresponding question numbers below. (Write the number you scored for question 1 on line 1 under Linguistic)

Linguistic Question Numbers 1____11___18_____28______=_____

Logical Question Numbers 3____10____16_____22______=_____

Spatial Question Numbers 6____20____19_____31______=_____

Bodily Kinesthetic Questions 7___13____21____30______=_____

Interpersonal Questions       4____15____28____34_____=_____

Intrapersonal Questions       5____14____23____29_____=_____

Nature Question Numbers    8____16____19____24_____=_____

Musical Question Numbers   2_____12____26____32_____=_____

Existentialist Questions Numbers: 9_____17_____25_____35_____=_____

Once you have finished adding your questions circle the three highest numbers. It is not unusual to have two or three which are close or even tied. This simply means your brain can be easily sparked by doing these varied kinds of activities. 

How to use your MI

Multiple Intelligence is a tool to help you keep  your brain working at its peak capacity. We all feel tired or sleepy at some time we would rather be more alert. You can use your MI to wake up  your brain and make it work more efficiently. Look at your three highest areas of MI and develop a quick ten or fifteen minute activity you can do to help  put your brain in learning and thinking mode. I call this taking a brain break.

Here is a suggestion for each area.

  •  Linguistic read or listen to an article about your interests.
  •  Existentialist ask yourself a big picture question to think about 
  •  Interpersonal start a conversation
  •  Logical-Mathematical solve a puzzle.
  •  Spatial-draw  a picture or a design.
  •  Bodily-Kinesthetic take a walk.
  • Intrapersonal find a quiet place to sit and reflect. 
  • Nature listen to nature sounds.
  • Musical listen to your favorite artist
Multiple Intelligence is a way to help you think more clearly. As a parent this tool could help you to stop and think about a situation you need to consider. Take a brain break and help yourself and your child by expressing out loud this is what you need to do. It will teach them to use their MI in the same way. Would you like to give this inventory to friend and family? Message me and I will send you a copy. I hope you find this valuable. Please leave a comment below and tell me what you think and as always:

Believe in Parenting

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