Sunday, August 6, 2017

The Sexiest Thing A Man Can Do!

Recently, I was out with a girlfriend who is gay.  We were at a local resturant when she said to me. You know I am not interested in men but I think that Dad over there is the sexiest thing I have seen in a long time.  When I turned to look there was a Dad in a booth making funny faces at his three kids making them giggle and then laughing back at the faces made at him. I got a big smile on my face and turned back and agreed.  This is not the first time I had such a conversation with a girlfriend and I stil’ think as a single woman being a great Father is the sexiest thing a man can ever do.

My Dad was one of the best men I ever known and I miss him every day.  The saddest thing I ever heard him say was that his Dad divorced his mother and him when he was 12. This pain caused him to focus on giving to us what he did not have. My Dad was always there in my world whether it was to console me when I broke up with a guy I loved. Or to celebrate the little things like making second chair in Band. I remember when i was five and in the hospital having eye surgery.  I was the only child in the ward that week and he brought me a giant stuffed zebra to keep me company. I kept Zebbie until I was 28.

As I have been studying the impact Dad’s have on children I am beginning to understand that a child’s safety, security, self-concept, and whole world is wrapped up in the love, support and caring they receive from their fathers. So men if you are out there here are three suggestions read Gary Smalley’s book The Blessing: Giving the Gift of Unconditional Love. Spend lots of time with your kids from the day they are born until they leave for college. Finally, give love, honor, and respect to your kids Mom whether you are married or not. The greatest gift you can give to your kids is to be at peace with their Mom. But, the sexiest thing you can ever do is to be a great Dad.

Believe in Parenting

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